Hello! I’m Blair.

I am a recent graduate from Denver University’s UX/UI Design Bootcamp. I specialize in solving users problems, collaborating with a team, and understanding the line between corporate and user needs.

My Skills


My Skills Include:

  • Creating wireframes and prototypes in Figma.
  • Card sorting and making an affinity diagram in Miro.
  • Create a website with HTML and CSS using GitHub and VSC.

UX Design

My Skills Include:

  • User interviews, affinity diagrams and empathy maps.
  • Storyboards, value proposition, and user insights.
  • User flow chart, wireframing, and prototyping.

UI Design

My Skills Include:

  • Moodboards, heuristic evaluation, and 2X2 matrix
  • Sitemaps, card sorting, and user testing.
  • Style tiles, style guides and usability testing.

My Work

Cinema Selector

A new app that helps users determine what movie to watch by finding similar interests.

Federal Trade Commission

How we redesigned a government website to look more modern and appealing to users.


How we redesigned a non-profit website into  a more user-centric design that helps users find the specific animal they are looking for.

© Blair Norris 2022

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